Our Original New Mexico Green Chile Bread is made with only the finest ingredients. We add fresh tomatoes, onions, cilantro, green chile, Parmesan cheese, and select spices. As a final touch before going into the oven, we decorate each loaf with our signature design of a coyote howling at the moon. The bread is then baked slowly to seal in the flavor and aroma of all these fresh ingredients into one delectable taste sensation! It is always best to place an order ahead of time.
Click here for current pricing and to place an order.
I would like to order 2 loaves of your New Mexican Green Chile bread. I was in Albequerque last week and tried to get the bread before I left for home. One day you were out and the next day it wasn’t ready before I had to leave for home. I was told I could order it and you would mail it to me.
Hi Micki we have discontinued our shipping program. I’m Sorry for the inconvenience. Chris Morales
that is bad news on the shipping. 🙁
Do you want a stranger to mail you the bread?
We were visiting ABQ and a local told us to go to your bakery for the best biscochitos. Our friend bought a loaf of the green chile bread and all six of us ate it plain in the car. It was so good all we could say was yum. We will have to come back to ABQ just to get this bread. And the cookies were awesome, too.
What??? You don’t ship/mail the Green Chile Bread anymore?? Oh no, that’s awful news 🙁 I really, really wanted to place an order for some today. Super bummer 🙁
Do you ship the turkey shaped bread loaves? Also want to try the green chile bread
We are no longer doing our shipping program. We are looking into other options for next year. If you would like to be notified of when we will start our shipping program up again please sign up for our news letter.
I got on here today to place an order and saw that you are not shipping now. I used to stop by and get the green chili bread and cookies all the time while I lived there and miss them so much. Please let me know if you start shipping again, I would love to order them. Renee Glover
Ok I will let you know when we start again.
I think you need to restart a shipping program as one of your top things to accomplish to grow your Bakery into something for other States to enjoy!!
To have this amount of customers upset that they can’t get your products is telling you that you might have to deal with a few sleepless nights to get plans in the works!
Why can’t you package the shipping product at night as bakers work on the next morning bakery store goods?
During the day, 1.run the bakery, 2. cool the products, 3. pkg, them, 4,deep freeze, 5.stuff shipping boxes with dry ice the next morning, 6.remove frozen products from deep freeze, 7. pack into prepared dry ice boxes 8. have UPS or FEDEX bring their trucks and load up their own trucks straight from the bakery back rooms?
You would have to hire an extra team of bakers, under 5 really good packers, a shipping and receiving manager, and a clean up team that would need to work in between the baking times after/during the actual preparing times. Your small and fairly priced shipping and handling costs would help make up for the added costs of postage & pkging prices.
You might need someone to establish a new part to your website to show the shipping that is available, and you would be off.
Maybe if you had to buy several long 25 ft tables, you could actually run assembly lines. Or, have different divisions areas in the main bakery, where the cookies would be baked by a team, then set up for the bakery itself, and on racks in a walk in deep freeze for the shipping employees. Same with all your breads, a team for each kind of bread, that would be baked non stop until you got all you needed that day for orders, and the bakery itself.
But, mainly don’t burn yourself out as an owner. Make sure you are the one that is quality control., To Make certain that everything first and foremost is spotlessly clean. That all the health code recommendations are set up where there is no chance for anyone to fail the conditions that they insist on. Food up off the floor, correct temps., food grade wrapping, all the things you know, which I don’t. Make sure you work with another person so between the 2 of you, you can order the products you need to bake with, etc., 2 of you are doing the books together, marketing & advertising together, employee reviews together, employee incentive rewards together.
Make sure that you are working with people that are happy to be working and be part of your team. Loyalty, good work habits, non smokers who won’t get tense without their cigarette, then spend all their time sneaking a smoke.
Have your staff wear something that shows customers what your personality is all about…or what you like.
Example. for me, I love bright happy gingham and brite happy rick rack to make things like aprons or scarves look old fashioned and homey. Maybe for you, crowns or gold stars, etc. on pkg, then have employees wear similar uniforms or shirts.
You will also have to have a menu of items to post prior that you sell for the upcoming Holidays, catalogs, etc. with Easter coming, would you even have the time to start a shipping program on just Easter breads? Easter Cookies?
You Are 100% right!
It’s a VERY small local bakery. You literally could not fit anymore people or even one 25 ft table. Maybe they want to stay a small local bakery and not a food processing facility. It is in a very old adobe building which is part of the charm of visiting it. So please come visit new mexico and enjoy the charm of a small local bakery in a historic adobe home!k
I also wanted to add this remark, that it would be nice if you plan on at least getting the Turkey bread that everyone is asking for. Just to do it for the fact that people are happy and want it even though it is extra work, will make you have happy customers, how could that be wrong? I don’t know how true this statement was that I once heard, but supposedly, for everyone that takes the time to write their opinion or wishes, there are “hundreds” (?) that would want to express the same thing! So those Turkey Breads might make you famous, and fund a big cruise or a nice nest egg for your retirement! Or to buy your own island and share with family and friends for years to come. Think positive about all the comments that people have said since Guy F. came to your place…all those millions of people might like a chance to buy your bakery products…those viewers alone might save your bakery during hard times, illness. So, while you are able,
research what it takes to get a good shipping business started and kept running. I know myself I want everything on your menu, but will have to wait and be happy with bakery goods you can send, not even the coffee drinks, milk shakes and delicious looking sandwiches.
Give me empanada’s, cookies, and breads, I can hopefully make some nice sandwiches like you for just me while I watch some good movies!
I think it is a great idea, I would order in a heartbeat the bread and cookies I love and miss so much.
I would be willing to purchase anything on the menu and ship it to any of you for a small fee lol! Hope you guys start that up soon..being that a lot of people just stop by to try it from out of town.
We tried this great place because it was on Diners, Drive-ins, & Dives. We weren’t disappointed! We ate there 3 times in 10 days. We even stayed an extra day & ate there our last night in Albuquerque. We can’t wait to go back. Great staff, great food. The only thing “wrong” with it is that it isn’t close to home. We are permanently ruined for other pizza!!!!
the breads great, it reminds of the pilsbury dough/ bread rolls in the presurized cans we’d buy and make at home as children…they dont really make the trendy chewy bubbly crust other foo foo bakerys in town make… so its not very chewy or crusty,, just like your used to at home when you don’t want to chew all that nasty chewy hard crust everyone puts cheese on… they also make a loaf that looks like a turkey, iv never seen anything like it,, comes out like a tasty dried bread stick you used to get at the Italian resturaunt as a kid,, if your lucky one of the workers dances around the dining room with a customer, that’s a treat,, if you don’t take my word for it, ask Guy Fieri. ” its Money”
Please offer shipping! Your green chile bread is my favorite and I would love to order loaves!!